Pool Maintenance Dos and Don’ts

You have a beautiful backyard oasis that is fun to share with family and friends: a swimming pool. But, while this private getaway brings a lot of joy to your home, there is also a responsibility to make sure that you are keeping up with pool maintenance. Staying ahead of these year-round tasks means that you can always enjoy the swimming pool for spontaneous parties or a serene moment to relax in the sun.
Why Pool Maintenance Matters
Any time you make a big investment in your life, it makes sense to focus on maintenance to protect the quality and lifespan of that item. This goes for cars, a backyard swimming pool, ATVs, vacation rentals, and more.
With pool maintenance, the key is to ensure balanced water chemistry to avoid common issues. If the water doesn’t have the right pH, it can damage the pool walls, equipment, handrails, and more. The longer the water is unbalanced, the higher the risk that it reduces the life of your pool liner.
Additionally, poor water chemistry is bad because of the potential health impacts. For example, when you are swimming, you might have more irritation to your eyes and skin, making it unpleasant to spend time in the pool.
Procrastinating pool maintenance takes a toll over time, eventually leading to major repairs in the future. Instead, spend a little time and money right now to keep the swimming pool in good condition so you can avoid the need to spend a lot more money on replacement parts and services.
Tips for Pool Maintenance
Follow these pool maintenance do’s and don’ts to ensure you are protecting your backyard oasis and maintaining a healthy place your family can enjoy:
Do Balance the Water Levels
Be proactive about checking the water levels to see if adjustments need to be made to the pool chemicals. Always follow the instructions when treating the water. This process isn’t something that you can estimate. Instead, you should be diligent about measuring and testing to find the perfect balance.
When you have a good balance for alkalinity, pH, and calcium, the pool water is more pleasant for swimming. Plus, this pool maintenance is essential to prevent damage to the pool structure. For example, water balance reduces the risk of corrosion on metals and plaster degradation. Pool maintenance is also essential to prevent other physical issues, such as stained surfaces and cloudy water.
Don’t Jump Right In
When you uncover the pool after it’s been sitting for a while, remember that you shouldn’t jump right into the water. Instead, you’ll need to set some time aside to get ready to swim.
Uncover the swimming pool and assess the situation. Clear away any debris that might have been collected. Use a pool net to gather up any leaves, bugs, or branches that might be inside. Then, start running the water filter and leave it running long enough to complete a minimum of one full cycle.
Do Use Chlorine
Prevent infection and keep your family safe by using chlorine in the water to kill bacteria. While there are alternative products, chlorine is always the most effective solution to minimize the risk of disease in the swimming pool.
You can buy chlorine in a liquid or tablet format. These chemicals are effective because they destroy the processes, structures, and enzymes in microorganisms. One option is to use a combination product that includes both chlorine and algaecide for optimal results.
Don’t Overlook Safety
It’s understandable that many pool owners are concerned about potential liability when inviting friends and family to spend time in the pool. However, don’t overlook basic pool safety steps that might reduce the risk of an accident.
Add these safety steps to your pool maintenance list, so you don’t overlook them. Common pool safety measures include keeping the pool covered when it’s not in use, providing life jackets and flotation devices, and not letting kids run near the swimming pool.
Also, think about the features around the swimming pool that can affect safety. Add handrails and choose non-slip surfaces. For example, you might invest in a few mats or outdoor rugs that make the patio safer to walk on when it’s wet.
Do Shock the Water
Twice a month, it’s a good idea to “shock” the water by using a higher-than-normal amount of chlorine. Swimming pools with a lot of users might need weekly shocking.
This process is fast and easy. Just follow the instructions on the label. The best time of day to shock the water is in the evening because the UV rays can interfere with the shocking process when you do it during the day. Additionally, an evening schedule lets the water sit before you are ready to swim the next day again.
Don’t Forget the Skimmer and Filter
Help your pool filter maintain the optimal function by backwashing regularly. Be careful about the pool maintenance schedule because backwashing too often or not often enough can have a negative effect. You’re wasting water if you backwash too often. A standard recommendation is to backwash every six weeks or when the pressure gauge rises 10 PSI over normal.
Also, make sure you are emptying the skimmer basket regularly. This might need to happen daily if you use the swimming pool frequently. The skimmer basket collects pet hair, leaves, twigs, and other debris that fall into the pool water. Eventually, it reaches a point where the water can’t flow through anymore if the basket is too full.
Need Help with Pool Installation?
Have you always dreamed about having a backyard pool to share with your family? If you want to invest in a fun activity in the privacy of your backyard, then talk to our team to learn more about design and installation options. We offer full-service solutions to create the ideal swimming pool for your home.
For more information about available services, we invite you to contact us at Mid City Custom Pools to schedule a consultation. We are here to help with anything that you need!