Pool Owner Reference Guide: Automatic Pool Cleaners

One hesitation many homeowners have about pool installation is that they are worried about the maintenance and cleaning requirements going forward. Will it be too much of a hassle to have a swimming pool in your backyard? No! You can enjoy the fun of a private swimming pool and minimize the work by using automatic pool cleaners.
There are plenty of great tools out there, with modern technology built into these automatic pool cleaners. Minimize the manual labor you need to put in for maintenance by using pool cleaning equipment on a regular basis.
Automatic Pool Cleaners: What Are They?
The term “automatic pool cleaner” refers to tools that clean out the sediment, dirt, and debris that can collect in the swimming pool. These tools run on their own and require little human intervention.
There are different types of automatic pool cleaners you can choose from, including robotic, suction, and pressure:
Robotic Pool Cleaners
These standalone automatic pool cleaners don’t attach to the pool cleaning system. Instead, 24 volts are used within a built-in motor. The newest models only have one engine because they are jet-propelled. When the debris bag fills up, you simply empty the bag and put the robot back to work. Some of these models offer unique features, such as scrubbing the waterline and climbing the walls.
Many pool owners are seeing the benefits of robotic pool cleaners, especially because the prices are coming down in recent years. These tools are thorough and quick and even have programmable features. In addition, the robots require no assembly, which means they are the easiest to install compared to other types of automatic pool cleaners. Simply plug in the robot, then let it go!
The disadvantages of a robotic pool cleaner include the upfront cost since some of the models are expensive. But the prices vary and can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Additionally, the many moving parts of a robotic pool cleaner mean that the tool can be damaged more easily. One final drawback is that large debris can clog the unit more easily.
Suction Pool Cleaners
This tool attaches to a skimmer, such as a suction port or a vacuum line located in the pool wall. The pool’s filter creates the suction needed so the tool can vacuum the pool. The pulsating water creates motion. Some of these suction pool cleaners can even climb walls and move around the pool floor.
The benefit of a suction pool cleaner is that it is one of the most inexpensive options. Plus, they are easy to use and install. Maintenance is simple since this tool has fewer parts compared to other types of pool cleaners – which means there are fewer pieces that could break.
There are a few drawbacks, though. For example, this type of cleaner tends to get clogs in the pump basket or unit more frequently. Also, the cleaning speed depends on the flow of water and the size of your pump. Additionally, a little more human intervention is necessary since you need to connect and disconnect the equipment.
Pressure Pool Cleaners
The most popular type of automatic pool cleaner is the pressure design. These tools attach to a dedicated line for the cleaner or a pool return. There are two options, including a filter pump-powered cleaner or a booster pump-powered cleaner. The booster pump is often the preferred choice because you can run it on a time-clock, and it is more powerful compared to a filter pump cleaner.
Pressure pool cleaners work fast. Most pools can be cleaned in under two hours. Also, they have a filter bag, hose, wheels, and a return-jet hose. The pool pump pushes the unit so it can clean the pool while it moves through the water. Then, the debris and dirt are collected in the filter bag.
The advantages of using a pressure pool cleaner are that they are powerful and quick, especially when you need to handle medium or large debris. The automatic features include automatic shutoff. Since they have an independent filtration system, it doesn’t put any wear-and-tear on the built-in pool filter and pump.
Potential drawbacks include the upfront costs, especially when you are using a time-clock and dedicated line for the automatic pool cleaner. Since this tool has more moving parts, there is a higher risk that you might need more frequent repairs.
Planning Ahead for Your Pool Maintenance
You want to enjoy a backyard swimming pool – but don’t want the stress of time-intensive cleaning or paying a professional cleaning crew to come each week. There is a solution: automatic pool cleaners.
Whether you are planning to install a new pool in your yard, you’ve had a swimming pool for a while, or you are buying a home with an existing pool, it’s important to think ahead to minimize the cleanup schedule in the future. If you aren’t proactive with these important pool cleaning tasks, the buildup of dirt and debris can cause wear and tear on your swimming pool, filters, and pumps. Plus, no one wants to swim when the water is dirty!
Part of your swimming pool planning should include the method you want to use to clean the pool going forward. Invest in the right equipment upfront because it makes all the difference in giving you a comfortable and pleasant swimming pool to share with your friends and family.
Professional Pool Installation Services
You’ll love the many benefits that come from having a private swimming pool in the backyard! If you would like to learn more about your pool installation options, we invite you to reach out to schedule a consultation. Our team is happy to share more information and help you pick the perfect pool for your family.
Mid City Custom Pools has been serving the local community for years. Our pool experts are always just a phone call away – ready to help with everything you need for planning and installing the swimming pool of your dreams. Call today to learn more about your options for pool installation.