The Dangers of Diving

There are Many Ways to Enter a Pool, But Diving Shouldn’t Be One
Pools are a great way to spend your summer months, cooling off in the Texas heat. They offer plenty of activities for the whole family, both young and old. Unfortunately, not enough people are aware of the dangers of diving into pools. While it may seem fun in some cases, diving into any body of water can be extremely dangerous.
The National Spinal Cord Injury Association states that diving is the fifth leading cause of spinal cord injury for individuals in the U.S., trailing car accidents, falls, and acts of violence. These injuries often lead to paralysis. If you are a parent of small children, it is important to remind them of the dangers of diving.
Important Information
July is the most likely month for individuals to suffer spinal cord injury while diving, but August sits at second, according to the Shepard Center. Diving into any body of water can be dangerous, but divers typically dive into residential swimming pools more often than anywhere else. Swimming pools make up 36% of where divers dive, but oceans make up 34% of them.
A little under half of those injured while diving is between the ages of 20-29 years of age at 45%, according to Shepard Center. However, children and teenagers from 10-19 years of age make up 28% of those injured.
The spine is an extremely important part of your body, but it is also very delicate. There are more ways than one to injury your spine, including:
- Rotational injury
- Hyperextension
- Vertical compression
- Hyperflexion
All of these injuries can lead to paralysis of some kind.
How to Safely Dive
While we would advise you to avoid diving altogether, chances are some people are going to dive anyway. With that in mind, we have provided some tips to help you safely dive to avoid injury:
- Never dive into above-ground pools. Above-ground pools are too shallow for anyone to safely dive into, regardless of a diver’s skill level.
- Keep your hands in front. This allows you to keep your head from immediate impact while also allowing you to steer up immediately when entering the water.
- Only dive in water when you can see the bottom. This allows you to know how deep water is. Some lakes and ponds have murky waters that hide how deep or shallow the water really is.
- Always avoid the shallow end. The best depth to dive in is over 10 feet. The shallow end of the pool is designed to allow people to stand up with their head above the water.
- Never dive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While this seems like an obvious tip, drugs and alcohol impair your decisions, skills, and reaction time.
- Take a diving class. If you do truly want to dive, it is best to take a diving class. This way you will learn the dangers of diving and the skills needed to safely execute this action.
It’s important to always practice proper pool safety no matter the activity you plan on engaging in.
Pools are wonderful additions to any home. They provide you with hours of fun with a place to cool down. While they can be welcome additions, they can also be dangerous. Diving is one of the greatest risks found with many swimming pools. A simple dive can drastically change your life. Mid City Custom Pools strives to create pools that are safe for all users, and we are also here to help you and your loved ones stay safe.