Water Fitness: Refreshing Summer Workouts in the Pool

One of the best benefits of having a backyard swimming pool is the simplicity of jumping in the pool when you need a refreshing workout. Instead of getting in the car to head to the gym, you can workout at home with the convenience of a private swimming pool. Water fitness is a great way to stay in shape!
Benefits of Water Fitness
When there are so many workout options, why should you choose water fitness as your activity of choice? Remember that water offers more resistance than air. So, doing the same workouts in the pool can be more challenging compared to the exercises on land. Water helps to increase the intensity, which makes you stronger and burns more calories at the same time.
This resistance is an excellent way to engage the muscles more fully. Not only are you getting a good cardio session, but it also increases endurance, strength, and flexibility at the same time.
Another benefit of water fitness is the support that it offers your joints. There is less impact on the ankles, knees, and hips. So, if you often experience joint pain after exercise, try switching to water fitness because it is less impact compared to activities on land.
In fact, water exercise is often a recommendation for patients who have various joint conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or old joint injuries. Because it is a gentler way to workout, water fitness is an excellent solution for women who are pregnant, or anyone with autoimmune conditions such as fibromyalgia.
Equipment and Accessories for Water Exercises
As you are preparing for your water fitness routine, there might be a few accessories that can improve your experience. Here is a list of the most popular accessories and tools for water fitness:
- Towel: Allowing you to dry off quickly when getting out of the pool.
- Swim Cap: To keep your hair contained and managed during the workout.
- Goggles: To maximize visibility when you are under the water and protect your eyes from the chlorine or other treatments in the water.
- Weights: Try using ankle or wrist weights as a way to increase the resistance for your leg and arm movements. These weights strap on, so they stay in place while you are moving through the water.
- Foam Dumbbells: Even though they are lightweight on land, foam dumbbells are heavy and offer good resistance when they are in the water. They can be useful if you are wanting to build muscle as part of your workout.
- Buoyancy Belt: This accessory is a great solution for someone who is learning to swim or might not have the muscle strength to tread water for a long time. For example, buoyancy belts are often popular for seniors and people with disabilities.
- Hand Paddles: Do you need a little more help moving through the water? Some people like to wear hand paddles as they are swimming laps.
- Kickboard: Some drills are best when you are staying on top of the water, and a kickboard can facilitate the proper movement. Hold onto the kickboard so you stay flowing while doing lower body and core workouts.
Fitness Exercises to Do in the Pool
Once you jump in the water, how are you planning to move your body to get your heart rate up and build muscle at the same time? These exercises can be both fun and simple. Don’t overcomplicate the activities! Consider watching videos on YouTube or looking up tutorials if you want to follow a class.
What are your favorite water fitness routines? Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- Water Walking: When you are getting started with water fitness, acclimate yourself in the pool by walking around. You can get a feeling for the resistance that is being created. These movements can target muscles in the core and lower body. Move your arms at the same time for a full-body workout. Try adding ankle or hand weights if you want to increase the intensity. Also, make sure your core is fully engaged as you are walking around in the water.
- Arm Lifts: Strengthen your arms with various types of arm lift exercises. Make sure to add hand weights and/or foam dumbbells to add more resistance. One option is to start with your arms resting down by your side, then move them slowly as you keep the arms straight and lifting towards the surface of the water. You can also do bicep curls with the dumbbells. With each exercise, do 10 – 15 reps and repeat the sets 2 – 3 times.
- Swimming Laps: Swimming from one end of the pool to the other is a great way to engage the entire body and get your heart rate up at the same time. Even if the pool isn’t very long, you can reach the wall and quickly flip around to continue to the other side again.
- Jumping Jacks: Work all the muscles in your body by doing jumping jacks in the swimming pool. Make it even more challenging by using ankle and hand weights during this exercise. Swimming pool jumping jacks are just like you would do on land. For the best results, stand in water that is about chest-high.
- Leg Kicks and Extensions: When you are ready for a lower body workout, try doing different movements such as high-knee extensions, lunges, and leg lifts. Add resistance by putting weights on the ankles so that you can build muscle more quickly.
Stay Healthy with Swimming Pool Exercises
Make sure you are careful about protecting yourself during these exercises. For example, you might not realize how much you are sweating while working out in the water. So, always keep a water bottle on hand and stay hydrated during the water fitness session.
Also, protect yourself by using buoyancy accessories if you are not a strong swimmer. You can still get a great workout while wearing a flotation vest or buoyancy belt.
If you start to feel dizzy, lightheaded, weak, or you are having trouble breathing, then it’s best to get out of the pool to take a break.
Are You Ready to Install a Backyard Pool?
There are many reasons why your family will love having a pool in the backyard! Not only can you plan water fitness sessions, but it is the perfect location to build lifelong memories with your loved ones. Learn more about a custom pool installation by scheduling a consultation with our pro team at Mid City Custom Pools.